S e e d H o m e
A R C H I T E C T U R E - H O U S E
The “Seed Home”, it’s the result of a competition that was aiming to solve the problem of solitude of humans and animals.
The program of the concept in fact, it was aiming to create a house for people that have been left socially lonely, together with a shelter for abandoned dogs, in order to create a new big family that, in a common space, life could change as a new beginning.
To explain this concept idea of coexistence between people and animals, the volume of the house and the shelter, of "Seed Home", are merging together into one architecture, as a symbol of a united family.
As the core of the house, a courtyard is placed at the center of the dwelling, allowing all the ambients to have natural light and the view on the wild nature growing, where people, animals and nature can interact together.
Thanks of this cloister, the corridor that is going all around, become itself a sort of veranda that people will experience as a meditative voyage from the living room space, towards the bedrooms.
At the backyard, a vegetables garden run by the owners of the house, will help to provide food for the residents and, to create community activities in order to engage within each other.
Beside the house where people and dogs are living together, the shelter instead is a more functional space, in order to solve all the needs for the pets, such as vet, shower, storage for food and more.
Recycled bricks from demolition construction site and recycled stone tiles, there will be used for the new “Seed Home”, as a metaphor of reuse and to bring back towards a new life.
L O C A T I O N - Oise, France
A R E A - 385 sqm
T Y P E - Competition
Y E A R - 2019
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