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R o u n d   M o n o l i t h

A R C H I T E C T U R E   -   C H A P E L

Immerse into the forest, near the remote village of Rukomo,  the "Round Monolith" chapel is the result of a competition that was aiming to create a new spot for pilgrims and the religious community.


The whole project, is developed as a journey inside the “rammed earth monolith” to rediscover the faith by the roughness of the materials, light and shadow. The beauty that is dwelling in the simple things.


Created with the aggregation of different geometries that are responding according with the functions, the new Church is characterized by peculiar moments to create and characterize the experiences of the space, modifying the perception of it.


L O C A T I O N   -  Rukomo, Rwanda

A R E A   -   230 sqm 

T Y P E - Competition

Y E A R - 2019

A t e l i e r   M e a d o w    l t d.   © All rights reserved

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