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P i e r r e   M a r c o l i n i   s t o r e 

I N T E R I O R   -   R E T A I L   S T O R E 

The new design for the flagship store of Pierre Marcolini developed by Atelier Meadow is placed in one of the main global luxury hub in Shanghai called Grand Gateway 66.
Pierre Marcolini is a renowned Belgian chocolate brand with stores placed over around the world; its fine chocolate creations found its roots in the passion of the founder Pierre Marcolini, with his dedication to find the best quality of cocoa beans and ingredients to create new and refine art piece.

For the new flagship store Atelier Meadow, inspired by the essence of Pierre Marcolini brand identity, that can be summarized with its motto “from bean to bar” , Atelier Meadow aimed to create a new chocolate store inspired by the process of chocolate production making.
All the elements inside the store in fact, are meant to have a clear connection with the entire process of the chocolate making, expressing the natural aspect of the environment where the cocoa beans are being caught, to the process of refining and optimization, until the final fine creation.

This conceptual direction has been reflected in the selection of the material which are divided into two type: “raw material” as the raw plaster for the walls and the “refine material” like the travertine, stucco and copper, for the floor, ceiling and all the details.
A combination of materials that aim to evoke the juxtaposition of Pierre Marcolini fine creation with its simplicity of the outside and the richness of the inside.

A theoretical approach that have been also applied by Atelier Meadow to the Pierre Marcolini’s first store in Korea, inside the new mall Shinsegae in Seoul as a continuation of the acknowledgement process of people of the essence of the brand Pierre Marcolini.

As extension of the concept idea of expressing the chocolate making process for the flagship store, Atelier Meadow aimed to highlight the relationship of the craftmanship of the chocolate making tools and the equipment of the craftmanship for the application of the raw red plaster and the white stucco.
Both of the process in fact, used the same tools and similar equipment to create the pattern and the texture that will characterize the final creation, establishing a relationship in between the physical surface of the walls of the store with the refine chocolate creations; transforming the walls of the shop into a large chocolate canvas.

The entire space in fact, found its inception in the usage of materials and in people’s haptic experience, aiming to let visitors to be involved with all their senses while they are crossing the store.
With this project, Atelier Meadow wanted to begin the conceptual strategy, with the essence and the perception of people, overthrowing the common understanding of the development of a design project, by putting the feeling, the emotions and the senses as beginning of the concept idea.

The design area for this project was a narrow and long rectangle that Atelier Meadow accept as challenge to develop its own idea of a promenade and journey.
To achieve this, the walls are distributed and designed to contract and expand itself creating a sort of rhythm and flow as gravitational forces that attract people into its own deepest part with its arch and curved shapes embracing the space itself and visitors.

The details developed for the flagship store, highlighted by the reflection of the copper metal finish in contrast with the more matte surfaces of the walls, are inspired by the process of the chocolate making.
From the chocolate spatula tool, to the perforated equipment to roast the cocoa beans, all the details have found their common ground in order to tide up the entire concept design of the store.
For the people who are going to entering the flagship store in fact, it will be like a journey to discovery the world of the chocolate making, embraced in a warm space that engage with all their senses, highlighting the importance of the experience.  




L O C A T I O N   -  Shanghai, China

A R E A   -   100 sqm 

T Y P E - Completed

Y E A R - 2024

D E S I G N : Atelier Meadow (architecture, interior, lighting, fixtures and furniture)
D E S I G N   D I R E C T O R : Edoardo Nieri 
S E N I O R   D E S I G N E R :  Huiyi Wu



C O L L A B O R A T O R S :

D E S I G N   M A N A G E M E N T : Topin Design Co., Ltd.
G E N E R A L   C O N T R A C T O R :  Bazon Architectural Decoration Engeneering Co.,Ltd.
L I G H T I N G   C O N S U L T A N T : Shanghai Canke Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
P H O T O G R A P H E R : Edward Shi




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