O r i g i n H o m e
A R C H I T E C T U R E - H O U S E
The “Origin Home” take place in the middle of the forest, aiming to become part of the context itself.
Long walls are protruding from the main core to embrace the surrounding, creating an external corridor, a boundary between the world outside and the sacred space of the house.
As main requirements from the competition brief, the house must be no more than 30 sqm and to be made by rammed earth.
Despite its small dimensions, the main concept idea for the "Origin Home", is to create a voyage that start from the approaching of the house, to the external corridor, to the living room, to end into the bedroom, where the owners will have rest in a room for relax and meditation.
Solid thick rammed earth walls are embracing the owners, creating a direct connection with nature, while the wooden pitched roof instead, is connecting the architecture of the house with the cultural heritage of the near farm village. A link with the traditional architecture of the place.
The purpose of this project is to create a home that is immersed into the landscape, where the owners will experience Nature, becoming one with it, through a meditative practice of the space, into the space.
L O C A T I O N - Dobrava village, Slovenia
A R E A - 30 sqm
T Y P E - Competition
Y E A R - 2020
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