L G B T Y o u t h A s y l u m
A R C H I T E C T U R E - C O M M U N I T Y C E N T E R
" The LGBT Youth Asylum architecture competition, was looking for concepts that offered potential for the open LGBT community to grow and further integrate with society, as opposed to isolating an already vulnerable community even further."
_quote from the project brief
The project, is aiming to breakdown all the barriers, basing on the fact that we are all part of one community.
Aspect, that is represented by individual and different cluster, that are welcoming who needs to find a new feeling of home, under a continuous roof.
A round architecture made by adobe bricks, that find its own roots in the vernacular heritage of its context, where all the rooms are facing the community courtyard, allowing people to play and interact together under the shadow of the big tree as the most inner center.
As the symbol of life and equality.
L O C A T I O N - World
A R E A - 200 sqm
T Y P E - Competition
P R I Z E - Honorable Mention
T E A M - Edoardo Nieri, Marco D'ambrogio
Y E A R - 2016
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