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l g   S o c i a l   H o u s i n g

A R C H I T E C T U R E   -   S O C I A L    H O U S I N G

Placed at the boundary of an industrial area in the city of Prato (Italy), the project aim to create a connection with the residential area nearby.

Originally, the site was occupied by a textile factory, a solid cluster of buildings that were following one part of the production process.

In order to break through this barrier and to revitalized the residential area nearby, part of the factory have been demolished in order to create a small garden for the community, a place where kids and parents can relax together, in a wild nature. The garden in fact, is let it grow spontaneously with different type of plants in order to give a  feeling of connection with the real Nature.

This "green void" is also characterized by the presence of red bricks that have been recycled by the demolishing process of the factory, as a ruin that is keep existing, a living void in common with Nature.


While part of the factory have been converted into a community garden, the other part of the factory have been renovated instead  into social apartments building


Important aspect that characterize the entire volume, are the balconies that, embedded in a volume, they will create a sort of elevated italian "loggia".

To increase the connection with the typical residential houses nearby, the external facade of the building have been divided by the horizontality of the string course which are painted with a different plaster from the rest of the external walls.

As traces from the past, old bricks that were composing the old factory are going to be exposed form the plaster.

The entire area in fact wants to celebrate the past history of the site, trying to balance between conservation and modernization, where, characterized elements have been taken from the tradition and reinvented in a modern way.




L O C A T I O N   -  Prato, Italy

A R E A   -   2500 sqm 

T Y P E - Project in progress

L D I - Geom. Andrea Colico

Y E A R  - 2015



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