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Cashmere Pavilion

A R C H I T E C T U R E   -   R E T A I L   P A V I L I O N 

The Cashmere Pavilion, created for Xingwu and Yetian at Intertextile Shanghai 2023, offers an immersive experience that takes visitors from raw materials to finished cashmere. Inspired by textile looms and Edoardo Nieri’s memories of his hometown in Italy, known for its textile heritage, the pavilion embodies Atelier Meadow’s poetic vision of craftsmanship.


Spanning 240 square meters, the design blends function, flexibility, and sustainability. A modular system made of 100,000 meters of steel wire creates a semi-transparent boundary that blurs the line between inside and outside where the dynamic light reflections on the wires evoke the texture and delicacy of cashmere threads. This system integrates also a hanging racks for products and lighting design into one cohesive "functional machine", eliminating separate components and enhancing the visitor experience.

As the core of the design intent, the modular system is enabling efficient assembly, disassembly, and reconfiguration for future exhibitions. This approach optimizes transport and storage, while ensuring environmental benefits due the reduction of the waste and lower carbon footprint. The flexibility of the design ensures adaptability to various spaces and programs, offering long-term value for the brands.


Inside, the pavilion balances refinement and practicality. Stone finishes and paint finishes define Xingwu’s areas, while Yetian’s spaces feature a warm wood finish. Metal mesh partitions provide privacy in conference rooms while echoing the intricate patterns of woven fabric, reinforcing the narrative of textile production.


Furniture is another important aspect of this project. Atelier Meadow developed furniture and lightings for the pavilion as an extension of the concept of textile loom. Elements and details had been revised in a new contemporary design and embedded in not only the architectonic part but also the details of the furniture.

For Edoardo Nieri, the founder of Atelier Meadow, the approach to design is never to divide or to distinguish the outside with the inside or the inside with its deco, he said, “I always think that people’s experience is the main goal of the design process, all the aspects needs to be tied together in harmony in between their particles, in order to have an involvement that fulfill the existence.”

By prioritizing modularity, adaptability, and material poetry, the Cashmere Pavilion not only showcases the artistry of cashmere production but also reflects the brands’ values, leaving visitors inspired by its innovation, sustainability, and beauty.



L O C A T I O N   -  Shanghai, China

A R E A   -   240 sqm 

T Y P E - Completed

Y E A R - 2023

D E S I G N : Atelier Meadow (architecture, interior, lighting, fixtures and furniture)
D E S I G N   D I R E C T O R : Edoardo Nieri 


C O L L A B O R A T O R S :

D E S I G N   M A N A G E M E N T : Topin Design Co., Ltd.
P R O J E C T   P R O D U C T I O N:  Shanghai Mibo Exhibition Design Co., Ltd.
P H O T O G R A P H E R : Edward Shi




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